The WhichEmoji App
WE WOULD LOVE TO CHATThe WhichEmoji mobile app bridges the gap between employees and management, allowing your people to provide anonymous feedback, directly from their own personal smart phone, whether they are sat in the break room or on their way home.
- Earn WECoins for Emoji submission
- Purchase rewards through the WE Shop
- Earn streaks with consistent Emoji submissions
- See which Emoji the organisation is at
- See how the organisation compares to others in the same industry
- View current Emoji level
- Go through past Emoji levels to track changes
- Submit daily Emoji’s
- Provide reasons behind Emoji’s
- Submit anonymous opinions, ideas, comments at any time
- Participate in 3B Surveys through the app
- Using the Web Dashboard, create 3B Surveys to send to your team on their mobile app
I'm In
I'm Happy
Check In, Check Out
I'm Out
The Emoji Voice
Your People Deserve It
The Emoji is a universally understood language that has become a very useful tool in many scenarios.
WhichEmoji has harnessed the power of the Emoji, putting it in the hands of your people, empowering an authentic voice to resonate through your organisation. Your people and their emotions are more than just a number, and so WhichEmoji has been developed in a way that collects data as emotions.
Your people can finally have the voice they deserve, and the WhichEmoji mobile app is their speech platform.
Rewarded and Celebrated
Your People Deserve It
WhichEmoji has built in an incentive system called the WEconomy. It allows your people to earn WEcoins from submitting their Emoji, and redeeming rewards through the shop. You know your people best and what motivates them and so rewards are set by the organisation.
Your people deserve to be rewarded and celebrated. Consistent use off the app rewards your people even further by offering bonus’ WEcoins for completing perfect weeks.